Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Jackson Pollock's Convergence as Fine Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Jackson Pollock's Convergence as Fine Art - Essay Example The paper "Jackson Pollock's Convergence as Fine Art" concerns the art of Jackson Pollok. In 1973, his 1952 painting of Blue Poles was purchased by the Australian government for an outstanding amount of US$2 million—that time the highest price ever paid for a contemporary work of art. His paintings are currently valued up to US$40 million. Only works by Rembrandt, Velazquez and da Vinci had commanded more respect and higher prices in the art market. Another of Pollock’s most well-known pieces is Convergence (1952, oil on canvas, 93 1/2 x 155 inches, exhibited in the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York). The Springbok Company introduced Convergence as a jigsaw puzzle in 1965. The 340-piece jigsaw puzzle was billed as â€Å"the world’s most difficult jigsaw puzzle† as hundreds of thousands of Americans struggled to piece together the reproduction of Pollock’s complex art. As Jackson Pollock rose to fame and to a significant reputation in the world of art, some critics argued whether his paintings were really "art", or just mere paint drips on canvas. The seemingly simple act Pollock performed fuelled controversies and split the public opinion. His masterworks triggered discussions whether his style was raw genius or was his work an arbitrary composition of paint brought about by a drunken state. The definition of art is frequently the issue of debate and argument. What constitutes its nature and qualities is a complicated matter. Who is authorized to define art is also a subject of disputations.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Gambling Essay Essay Example for Free

Gambling Essay Essay The difference between gambling and buying stocks of companies is that you are betting on the future of the company and you have records you can research. If something terrible happens to the country, like a natural disaster, stocks will go down. If the country does well, the stock market will most likely go up. The key to doing well in the stock market is to research the companies you are trying to buy stock in. If you just pick a couple random companies to invest your well-earned money in, it would be more like gambling. It is possible to lose a large sum of money buying stocks if a company that was once flourishing has something bad happen. For example, those who owned stock in BP were probably doing all right until they had a vessel drop hundreds of thousands of oil into the gulf. Gambling in a casino, on the other hand is completely different. The house always a edge, and even though the edge is slim it still makes it so that the house will always win in the long run. If you are gambling in Vegas you better be using money you are willing to lose. In conclusion, if you do your homework and research and choose your stock right, more likely than not you will be making money. One thing is for sure I would feel safer tying my money up in the stock market than at the blackjack table.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Customer Satisfaction Strategies Essay -- Consumerism Customers Busine

Customer Satisfaction Strategies What is customer satisfaction? We are in the midst of a revolution in business. Some call it a customer revolution, others a quality revolution, others a service revolution. Organizations are attempting to obtain increased customer satisfaction by focusing on the quality of their products and the service provided. This movement toward quality has produced significant benefits but just like other business fads, joining and adopting the religion does not insure that the real objective of producing customer satisfaction will be obtained. Customer satisfaction is a key ingredient to the success of any business.It is the most important factor that creates repeated customers. Some people know it but do not realize its importance. If a customer of yours is satisfied with one of your products or services, chances are this customer will purchase more of your products or services, which will increase your revenue. Therefore, in order to have your new or existing customers buy more from you, you will have to follow techniques that work. Customer satisfaction takes a very important place in Marketing. As much as you think that your marketing strategies should help you generate sales, think about how the same marketing strategies could help you achieve Customer satisfaction. There are a lot of elements involved with Customer satisfaction. Know the problems of your customers and what they are looking for, then offer them the right products and outline the benefits to them. Most of the time, customers do not care about your product or its features. They care about what your product does for them. Therefore, do not just list the features of what you offer, but rather add the benefits of your products or anything you offer to your targeted audience (your customers or visitors). This is a very effective element for Customer satisfaction. The more profitable firms are those that are able to maintain their most valued customers throughout time. To satisfy a customer means to make him faithful and customer satisfaction becomes the index that measures the ability of the firm to produce income for the future. The virtuous circle of customer satisfaction : What is quality? We commonly view quality as a physical property of our product and therefore see our task as producing a product that meets these physical characteristics. Howev... ...ough quality or enough service, satisfaction will result. However, we have evidence to support that quality and service alone can not produce recurrent satisfaction. Satisfaction is a distinct and separate issue. We claim that it is the customer's entire experience with us that determines his or her declaration of satisfaction. We say that this experience is not objective at all but totally subjective. It is the customer's call. That call is based upon the customer's perception of the experience. This perception is his/her interpretation of the value received played back against his expectations. We say that satisfaction is a linguistic phenomenon, a spoken or written declaration made by a customer in conversations with us or others. It is a declaration that we have given them authority to make. This declaration does not require any objective evidence. It can be a declaration made with no reason. Our interactions with the customer, the promises made to the customer in these conversations, the customer's expectations generated in these conversations, and the actions we take that are consistent with those expectations combine to produce a declaration of satisfaction when we ask.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Explore the Subject of ‘Self Disclosure’ by Counsellors

Explore the subject of ‘self disclosure' by councellors Disclosure in the dictionary is ‘the act of revealing and exposing to view' My understanding of self disclosure in this context is to mean revealing the counsellors personal information and emotions. In this unique relationship this is to be expected when the client is communicating, in fact it is actively encouraged, because that is their roll in the therapeutic relationship. However my exploration will concern when is it acceptable for the counsellor to talk about themselves or their own feelings? Counsellors must speak since this is a talking therapy and surely every word and response is a form of self disclosure, yet what is said can have serious consequences. I will demonstrate how and when this can hurt or assist the client. When I began having personal counselling myself, I expected a relationship like a close friendship, I found the fact that this ‘expert' had the answers, but didn't offer them to me, which was at times very frustrating. My counsellor was psychodynamic and I am now aware that different styles of counselling accept a more open, less restricted, approach to self disclosure. Since this is however a psychodynamic course, I will endeavour to, within length limitations, give an outline of the important issues using this approach to the subject, illustrated with bibliography, class learning and personal experience of being a client. Our professional roll as counsellors incorporates enforcing certain boundaries, even on our ability to speak candidly about what we feel and think. The client is encouraged to talk openly and freely, to help them to learn from the exploration of their problems. However when using the psychodynamic approach we withhold our own knowledge and experiences, although sometimes it may appear to be appropriate and useful to the client. It can often be quite difficult to do this, especially when clients are asking us questions, but once we have started revealing personal details, it may be difficult to stop. We should be aware that a client could also be trying to get the counsellor to verbalise as a form of resistance or defence, to avoid talking about and facing their own problems. I agree with Freud's view; â€Å"It might be expected that it would be quite allowable and indeed useful, with a view to overcoming the patient's existing resistances, for the doctor to afford him a glimpse of his own mental defects and conflicts, and, by giving him information about his own life enable him to put himself on an equal footing†¦.. I have no hesitation in condemning the technique as incorrect. † (quoted by M. Jacobs 1992; 84) Non verbal communication is very important, as we as counsellors can learn from client's body language, we must take care that the client does not read ours. Freud preferred the client to recline on a couch for just such a reason, he said â€Å"I do not wish my expressions of face to give the patient material for interpretation, or to influence him in what he tells me. † (quoted by M. Jacobs 1992; 84) The counsellor today however, must learn to control their immediate reactions, particularly the negative ones of shock or disapproval, verbal or otherwise. During my personal experience of being a client, I noticed that my counsellor came to grimace at the mention of the name of one of my close supportive friends, and I later realised, through things she said, that she felt some rivalry towards this person. This self disclosure of her counter-transference feelings was very damaging to our relationship. We have to be very aware of our clients reactions to what we say and do, in this way, even if we have made a mistake, our positive responses to the error can be useful instead of damaging to the client. Self disclosure may be invited by the client's inappropriate feelings towards us as counsellors. These transference reactions, may be worded and feel like, a personal attack or question, worthy of a personal reply. However it is important to realise that the client is saying something significant, but it is not about us, so self disclosure is not necessary. It is important that we remain neutral to encourage this transference to occur. M. Jacobs gives this reason: â€Å"The psychodynamic counsellor, like the analyst, wishes to encourage the client to speak of the ideas and images that come from within himself, rather than those which are suggested directly by the counsellor, or by signs which the counsellor gives. † (1994 27) So when we are surprised by a personal enquiry of this type, it is better to look through the distortion and use an appropriate response such as â€Å"I wonder why that is important to you? or even â€Å"It seems as if I was reminding you of someone else? † Not looking at their motivation is a missed opportunity for the client to gain a deeper understanding of their present reactions towards other people. If we take a neutral roles the client is the only one introducing their beliefs, expectations or thoughts into the room. In the early days of being a client myself, I had an experience of this linking not being done. My counsellor revealed that she had taken my questioning of her ability personally. She said my doubts had hurt her feelings, this disclosure was particularly damaging as I felt angry at that time, but had no wish to hurt her again, so could not express my negative feelings. The counsellors counter-transference feelings can lead to either positive or negative disclosure, we must learn to discriminate between the two kinds. Brown and Pedder use this clear definition; â€Å"Winnicott often distinguishes between ‘objective' and appropriate counter-transference and ‘subjective' aspects which stem more from our own situational or unresolved personal issues. (1991; 62) The former is helpful, identifying with the client's situation through empathy allows us to tune in to and reflect back their unconscious thoughts and feelings. These can be hidden behind dreams, stories and defences. When we as counsellors use a response such as â€Å"I wonder if under this there's some anger? † or â€Å"I feel as though I would have been upset about that, but you don' t seem concerned†¦ † it allows our diclosure of our own responses to challenge the client's view of the world, which can be a beneficial breakthrough for them. Alternately expressing feelings that come from our own past and counter-transference can have devastating results. I can remember an occasion in class, during a roll play, when someone playing the counsellor had so much in common with his ‘client's' experiences, that his counter-transference nearly tempted him to say; â€Å"That's what happened to me†¦ don't make the same mistakes I did, this is what I learnt from the experience†. He resisted the temptation†¦ and when reviewing the session in the class he asked the ‘client' what his response would have been if he had revealed this about himself†¦ he client replied â€Å"how can you know what I am feeling? your circumstances are not the same as mine, I don't want to hear about you! † The kind of unsolicited self disclosure he was considering may have caused a huge amount of potentially damaging, anger and resentment towards the counsellor. So in conclusion, when is self disclosure helpful or ha rmful to the client? This is a professional relationship and not a social one, so different rules of disclosure do apply, hopefully theory may be enhanced by expertise and we may learn to modify these rules slightly for different clients. I think that this is an unusual and special alliance and it is vital for the client to learn to see a counsellor as ‘real', a human being, personally involved in and interested by their problems, someone they can identify with and learn to trust. Some self disclosure is helpful, if not essential, for building this part of the therapeutic relationship. Sometimes it is impossible not to reveal personal details, such as your holiday arrangements, health or appearance, the client may also ask questions for information or through their transference. The fact that the counsellor does not have to reveal personal details can increase personal security and enhance their involvement. Gently exploring with the client why they feel they need to know, is the most helpful kind of response. Self disclosure is damaging when the information is unsolicited, or when the counsellor gives answers which evoke an emotional response in the client. As a client myself, I found that my counsellor's revelations had damaging effects on me, maybe because the feelings they aroused in me were never resolved satisfactorily, even by lengthy discussion. This eventually led to my change of counsellor, which was a depressing and painful, experience and shows how destructive self disclosure can be to the therapeutic relationship. It even caused me to question the process itself, not for the reason I expected, because I didn't get my questions answered, but because I did! Although it may be difficult for the new client or inexperienced counsellor to adjust to, it is a time for the client to explore their feelings, make their choices and find their own answers. Maybe with experience and true self awareness we can learn to keep the focus naturally on the client, finding the balance of openness and rofessionalism that is needed to help them most of all. Brown & Peddar Introduction to Psychotherapy, 2nd Edition, Tavistock Publications, 1991 Jacobs, M Freud, Sage Publications Ltd. Jacobs, M Psychodynamic Counselling In Action, Sage Publications Ltd. 1994 Jacobs, M Still Small Voice, S. P. C. K. 1993 Kennedy & Charles On Becoming a Counsello r 1973 Oldfield S The Counselling Relationship Routeledge Press Psychodynamic Counselling vol. 1 No. 1

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Gilgamed vs Aeneid Essay

The Evolution of the â€Å"Highway to Hell† in Classical Mythology Mythology, by denotation, is â€Å"a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.† Myths are an entity that evolve through time and through the changing of culture in order to tailor to the people telling the story; as such, we often see a series of different versions develop reflecting a relatively similar story. In this paper, the similarities and differences of the representation of the Underworld in The Epic of Gilgamesh and Virgil’s Aeneis will be analyzed and applied to the culture of the authors. We read these myths thousands of years after they were written in order to gain an understanding of the world’s past, analyze the minds of our progenitors, and ponder the mystery of human origins. In abridgment, The Epic of Gilgamesh, tells the four thousand y ear old Mesopotamian tale of Gilgamesh, the fifth King of Uruk and demigod. In this myth, the story begins with Gilgamesh and his former enemy and current best friend Enkidu. Together, they kill the Bull of Heaven, a deity sent in revenge by the goddess Ishtar to destroy their crops. When Enkidu kills the bull, he angers the gods, prompting them to kill Gilgamesh’s closest friend in retribution. After this traumatic event, Gilgamesh slips in to a state of infatuation with the meanings of life and death. Searching for the meaning of life and a path to eternal life, he sets off on a quest to find a man who lives in the Underworld and is called Utnapishtim; Gilgamesh believes him to be a mortal man who survived a great flood and was rewarded with immortality. On his quest to arrive in the Underworld, Gilgamesh encounters Siduri: the barmaid at the edge of the sea, Urshanabi: the boatman of the Underworld, and finally Utnapishtim: the immortal keeper of the Underworld. Upon meeting Utnapishtim, Gilgamesh coaxes him into revealing the secret to immortality: a flower at the bottom of the sea. This analysis will be focused on Tablet X. The second major work included in this analysis is the Roman, Virgil’s The Aeneid, Book VI. In synopsis, this myth tells t he story of Aeneas after the Trojan War and his quest to lead his people. The preluding chapters of The Aeneid describe Aeneas’s adventures after the fall of Troy and in the Underworld portion of the myth, Aeneas seeks the Underworld in order to obtain the advice of his late father. In the Underworld, not only does Aeneas meet his father but also his former lover. Virgil’s The Aeneid and The Epic of Gilgamesh both portray two heroes on an adventure mission to the Underworld to avenge the past and discover the future; however there are stark differences in these outwardly similar myths. Initially, when comparing these two stories, one must consider the context from which they come. Virgil’s epic poem is one which draws on the Roman culture and was written between 29 and 19 BC while in contrast, The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the oldest known works of literature and is centered around the Mesopotamian culture of the significantly older 2000 BC. Noting this substantial gap in not only geography, but also the time warp is important as we continue in our analysis of these two works. The Romans depicted in The Aeneid held clear beliefs that one who led a good life would reap the benefits in the afterlife whereas the Mesopotamians’ ancient culture seems to have left their ideas starkly vacant towards the concept of death and the afterlife. When Gilgamesh arrived at the first ingress of the Underworld, he met the barmaid Siduri in her tavern at the edge of the sea. She said to him the following: â€Å"There has never been a ferry of any kind, Gilgamesh, and nobody from time immemorial has crossed the sea† (Tablet X, p. 433). In a very similar style to The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Sibyl, The Aeneid’s fortune-telling equivalent of Siduri, also meets Aeneas at the edge of the Sea of Death and tells him, â€Å"All nights, all days too, dark Dis’s portals lie open. But to recall those steps, to escape to the fresh air above you, There lies the challenge, the labor! A few have succeeded†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Aeneid, Book 6, line 128-130). After this warning, she gives Aeneas somewhat cryptic instructions on how to collect a golden branch which, if fate allows, will grant him access to the Underworld. In juxtaposing these two quotes from these scenes of the myths, we can get a sense of the archetypes and ideals behind the people who wrote them. As depicted in the quote from The Epic of Gilgamesh, it comes to light that not only does Gilgamesh not know what to expect from the Underworld and the afterlife, but also Siduri doesn’t quite have a tangible notion of what should happen to someone who passes into the underworld and is not dead. In contrast, the apparently more experienced Sibyl tells Aeneid that it will not be easy, but makes this task sound much more feasible. She has exact instructions for him and quite simply, leaves the verdict of his eligibility to fate. Through this comparison we can begin to notice some of the culture of the respective  times which permeates these myths. Gilgamesh’s tale is older and the author was writing from a decidedly more undeveloped mythological perspective; for the people of The Epic of Gilgamesh’s time, death was undefined and impalpable. However, for the people living in the time in which Virgil was writing, death, although intimidating, was something that one who did not commit sins, did not need to fear. Looking a bit more in depth, we can see that these myths give us a glimpse in to the minds of the people who lived in the time in which they were written. In The Aeneid, Aeneas goes to the Underworld to seek counsel from the deceased whereas in contrast, G ilgamesh goes as part of a quest to ultimately avoid the underworld in immortality. We can see a complete lack of fear of death written through the words of Virgil when Aeneid addresses his deceased father in line 698, â€Å"†¦Father, give me your hand! Give it, don’t pull away as I hug and embrace you! Waves of tears washed over his cheeks as he spoke in frustration: Three attempts made to encircle his father’s neck with his outstretched arms yielded three utter failures.† Through this quote, it becomes apparent to us that Aeneid feels no fear for the dead; he feels simply frustration at the fact that he can’t embrace his father. In blunt contrast, in The Epic of Gilgamesh when the Underworld and death is described, it is described as the following: â€Å"Nobody sees Death, nobody sees the face of Death, nobody hears the voice of Death, Savage Death just cuts mankind down† (pg 435). This description from the older of the two works lacks the s ense of knowing and fate that is seen as a reoccurring theme in The Aeneid; it is an undefined mystery that still has not been conquered. In this ancient text, we are reintroduced to the idea of Gilgamesh fearing the after-life, verses Aeneas facing it and accepting a fate which has been predetermined. In the end, the Underworld experiences of Aeneas and Gilgamesh each bring forth experiences which are similar, yet are each one is molded in its own way to produce something that reflects their corresponding cultures. Both plotlines tell the account of a demigod hero with a god-invoked tragic past and their path to a quasi-interchangeable Underworld as a means of catharsis. Considering that these two myths, having been from as much as a thousand years apart and two different regions of the world, have so many striking plot similarities, one must marvel at the power of the story passed through the generations. Myths have survived the test of time and changing cultures to create the myriad of  memoirs that we still enjoy in the modern age. These myths, although no longer something that we typically consider a part of modern religion, allow us a peek into the past. The history of our development through anthropologic changes and our perpetually morphing understandings of the meaning of life is preserved in the mythological collections of our earliest predecessors. The perspective offered in classic mythology offers us a sense of the concept of life and death as it was viewed by those who lived so l ong ago.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

CB †Aziz Essay Example

CB – Aziz Essay Example CB – Aziz Essay CB – Aziz Essay CB – Aziz Name: Course: Date: CB – Aziz Week 1 The main issues of week one include freedom, governments and religion within the first two. The authors included in this week were King James I, James Harrington and John Winthrop. According to John Winthrop, liberty is in two kinds, natural and civil. In this regard, he says that the best way to achieve liberty is by honoring and upholding to authority while James I say it is through honoring the king and his law. The other issue is on governments and their role in ensuring liberty, their advantages and errors as well as solution used to solve the demerits of the ancient governments. Christianity at this time was seen as a source of authority, which is yet another issue. â€Å"†¦ They make and unmake their subjects; they have power of raising and casting down, of life and of death†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (James I 1610 P.4). â€Å"†¦so shall your liberties be preserved in upholding the honor and power of authority amongst you,† (John Winthrop 1645, P.19). â€Å"†¦ Anoth er error of Aristotle’s politics that in a well-ordered commonwealth, not men should govern, but the laws,† (James Harrington 1656 P.23 ). â€Å"the Lord hath given us leave to draw our own articles †¦ to enterprise these actions upon these and these ends, we have hereupon besought Him of favor and blessing,† (John Winthrop 1630 P.17). Week 2 The issues addressed in week 2 include civil governments and their effect on people, its problems, and nature of liberty, the difference between civil and natural governments as well as the best among them and how civil governments are created. The authors writing these articles include John Locke, John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon, John Wise and Sir John Randolph. â€Å"man being born, as has been proven, with a title to perfect freedom, and uncontrolled enjoyment of all the rights and privileges of the law of nature, equally with any other man, or number of men in the world hath by nature power, not only to preserve his property, that is, his life, liberty and estate against injuries and attempts of other men,† (John Locke P.59). â€Å"In most parts of the earth there is neither light nor liberty; and even in the best parts of it they are but little encouraged, and coldly maintained,† (John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon P 87). â€Å"The art of governing is thought to b e the most abstruse, as well as the usefullest science in the world,† (Sir John Randolph 1736 P.97). Week 3 Week three issues are about the British colonizers and their colonist concerning the power the colonizer has as well as the rights of the colonists. The other issue in week three is one tax within the colonies. The British constitutions and its extension to the colonies is another crucial issue, as well as its relation to colonies and sources of rights enjoyed by the colonist, which the article cite as the nature of a man to be free. The final issue of this week was declaration of independence. James Otis cites that, â€Å"A state has no right to make slaves of the conquered. Even when the subordinate right of legislature is forfeited, and so declared, this cannot affect the natural persons either of those who were invested with it, or the inhabitants, so far as to deprive them of the rights of subjects and of men† (1764 P. 154).. Under colonies Thomas Whately says, â€Å"The Revenue that may be raised by the Duties which have been already, or by these [stamp duties] if they should be hereafter imposed, are all equally applied by Parliament, towards defraying the necessary Expenses of defending, protecting, and securing, the British Colonies and Plantations in America,† (1765 P.166). Week 4 Under week 4, articles of confederation were the main issue regarding its ability in forming a sovereign government. The other issue was on the constitution of America and its divisions as well as whether it creates a limited or unlimited government. Additionally, the issues concern the likely consequence if the constitution is not implemented such as territorial war and the bills of rights contained in the constitution. â€Å" each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the united sates, in congress assembled,† (Articles of Confederation P.332). â€Å"Territorial disputes have at all times been found one of the most fertile sources of hostility among nations. Perhaps the greatest proportions of wars that have desolated the earth have sprung from this origin. This cause would exist among us in full force,† (Alexander Hamilton P.456). When talking about â€Å"ambition must be made to counteract ambition† James Madison meant, â€Å"But the great security against a gradual concentration of the several powers in the same department, consists in giving to those who administer each department the necessary constitutional means and personal motives to resist encroachments of the others,† (496). Week 5 Week five issues are varied as well, including favoring agriculture as opposed to manufacturing as well as the issue of slavery. The main issue is on establishing better economic stands that include why it would be in order to open a national bank or why it would be bad. Finance was another issue where debts are discussed as well. Politics also come into light where debates over political parties are discussed. The idea of a federal government as well, as how it should operate is discussed as well, where the power should be bestowed. â€Å"I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground: That † all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States or to the people,† (Thomas Jefferson P.615). Week 6 The main issue of this week is what democracy would be a wise idea, where ordinary people are allowed to make decisions regarding political matters. On this issue, several topics are discussed, including why different people felt democracy would not only fail, but also take away freedom from others. The conditions necessary for democracy to exist are addressed within the articles as well. Other than democracy, the characters of Americans that make them different from Europeans are discussed as well. â€Å"Relying, then, on the patronage of your good will, I advance with obedience to the work, ready to retire from it whenever you become sensible how much better choice it is in your power to make,† (Thomas Jefferson P. 690). Week 7 Week 7 brings to light a topic that was a major issue in America, which is slavery. Issues such as why the policies for abolishing slavery were wrong, why Africans were not right for democracy. Some of the authors see slavery as a bad thing in the society while others view it as right. The bible has been used to discredit slavery as well, showing the difference between people on the issue of slavery and offering Africans their freedom. â€Å"Let them remember, that though our cruel oppressors and murderers, may (if possible) treat us more cruel, as Pharaoh did the children of Israel, yet the God of the Etheopeans, has been pleased to hear our moans in consequence of oppression,† (Walker 1830 P. 965)). â€Å"Had the holding of slaves been a moral evil, it cannot be supposed, that the inspired Apostles, who feared not the faces of men, and were ready to lay down their lives in the cause of their God, would have tolerated it,† (Furman 1823 P. 954). Week 8 The eight week starts with the issue of citizenship for people within America, where Africans are not considered citizens according to some of the writers such as Taney after the declaration of independence. However, others such as Curtis counter his arguments on citizenship for slaves. Slavery issue is reflected again when Abraham Lincoln is brought into light, where he seeks to strengthen federal government when addressing the two sides of the house, conservatives and republicans. Additionally, the issue of southern thinking of secession from United States is discussed in Lincoln’s inaugural message. Finally, the issue of reconstruction is addressed in Lincoln’s second inaugural speech. â€Å"†¦no line dividing local from federal authority, nor anything in the Constitution, properly forbade Congress to prohibit slavery in the federal territory; else both their fidelity to correct principle, and their oath to support the Constitution, would have constrained them to oppose the prohibition,† (Lincoln 1860 1077). References Hammond, S.J., Hardwick, K.R. Lubert, H.L. (2007). Classics of American Political and Constitutional Thought: Origins through the Civil War. Indianapolis, Marion, IN: Hackett Publishing Company.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Neal and Jesse Eldridge essays

Neal and Jesse Eldridge essays Neal and Jesse Eldridge are two young men on trial. For over ten years, they suffered severe physical, emotional, and psychological abuse at the hands of their father. It ended the day they shot and killed him. Now Neal and Jesse are charged, as adults, with first degree murder; they face the possibility of life in prison. All this because Arkansas Department of Health Services, DHS, did nothing to step in and save these young lives. On January 24th, 1998, Rick Eldridge was supposed to take his sons, Neal and Jesse, to Buckarama, a deer hunting show at the Little Rock Expo Center. Before they left that morning, Rick caught the two teens smoking cigarettes. He told them they could not go to Buckarama(Neal Abuse Tragedy 1), then tried to suffocate them. Neal said his father picked him up and threw him head first into a wall (Haddigan 1). As he left, Rick told Neal and Jesse that when he returned he would beat them to death. He also gave them an impossible list of household chores to do before he returned, and said that he would kill them if they didnt. Fearing for their lives, the boys, ages 14 and 15 at the time, decided they had to protect their mother and sisters, as well as themselves, from the monster they called Dad. So the brothers loaded their .22-caliber, semi-automatic, Marlin rifles. Jesse stood behind the corner of the familys house, and Neal stood atop a shed next to the house. When Rick got out of his truck, the boys began to fire. Jesse shot once, but he lost his nerve and lowered his aim to his fathers legs(Neal 1). Neal shot four more times aiming for Ricks head and neck. They then retreated into the wooded area near the house and unloaded their rifles(Shull 1). ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Make a Liquid Layers Density Column

Make a Liquid Layers Density Column When you see liquids stack on top of each other in layers, its because they have different densities from each other and dont mix well together. You can make a density column with many liquid layers using common household liquids. This is an easy, fun and colorful science project that illustrates the concept of density. Density Column Materials You can use some or all of these liquids, depending on how many layers you want and which materials you have handy. These liquids are listed from most-dense to least-dense, so this is the order in which you pour them into the column. HoneyCorn syrup or pancake syrupLiquid dishwashing soapWater (can be colored with food coloring)Vegetable oilRubbing alcohol (can be colored with food coloring)Lamp oil Make the Density Column Pour your heaviest liquid into the center of whatever container you are using to make your column. If you can avoid it, dont let the first liquid run down the side of the the container because the first liquid is thick enough it will probably stick to the side so your column wont end up as pretty. Carefully pour the next liquid you are using down the side of the container. Another way to add the liquid is to pour it over the back of a spoon. Continue adding liquids until you have completed your density column. At this point, you can use the column as a decoration. Try to avoid bumping the container or mixing its contents. The hardest liquids to deal with are the water, vegetable oil, and rubbing alcohol. Make sure that there is an even layer of oil before you add the alcohol because if there is a break in that surface or if you pour the alcohol so that it dips below the oil layer into the water then the two liquids will mix. If you take your time, this problem can be avoided. How the Density Column Works You made your column by pouring the heaviest liquid into the glass first, followed by the next-heaviest liquid, etc. The heaviest liquid has the most mass per unit volume or the highest density. Some of the liquids dont mix because they repel each other (oil and water). Other liquids resist mixing because they are thick or viscous. Eventually some of the liquids of your column will mix together.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Cooperative learning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cooperative learning - Assignment Example The Teaching and Evaluating the Collaborative Process step is the most important that requires more time to plan and execute. The result of a cooperative learning process is determined by how well the group can communicate to each other effectively without misunderstanding. Moreover, learning how to communicate individuals ideas and feelings give confidence to individuals and enable a successful goal achievement. Tutors and another teaching staff can effectively choose the members of groups in monitoring performance stage (Borich). During this state, members have already conceptualized what is supposed to be done and played their part. Thus, it prudent to separate individuals according to their capabilities to ensure the achievement of goals. Moreover, it is important to use different ways of monitoring to ensure keeping track on each group activities. Moreover, it is important to establish problems and rectify them as the group progresses. Active un-involvement can be incorporated in a cooperating learning tasks by assigning tasks that require division of labor (Borich). In addition, un-involvement in a group can be minimized by integrating members of the group’s role to correct each other when they err in their roles (Borich). Furthermore, passive and active un-involvement can be solved by encouraging the poor and slow learners to work hard to achieve the group goal (Borich). However, the best way to deal with non-engaged performers in a group is by assigning individual roles to group members (Borich). Through this, each member will have to engage other when he or she is in a difficult

Friday, October 18, 2019

Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Management - Research Paper Example Racists feel that their race is superior to the other and therefore they bear qualities that people from the other race do not have. The act of racism in workplaces is a form of discrimination that is persisting in the society and should be dealt with. The most reported cases of racism is between the whites and the blacks whereby the whites feel that they are more superior to the blacks and so they discriminate them at work places. Racism in the workplace breeds hatred, discrimination, friction, distrust and violence among employees. In this paper, I will discuss the forms of racism and how they can be prevented. Racism in workplaces takes many forms which are: Recruitment During the recruitment process, the recruitment staff may exclude ethnic minority candidates from the process. They even decline their applications because they are from the minority group or are people with color yet the organization is owned by whites. They even discriminate them because of their gender insisting that they only hire men. This should be stopped. Working environment Many employees are discriminated in their working place with allegations that they do not have certain skills to take some jobs. The employees from the ethnic minority are harassed and their work loads increased while they work under poor working conditions. Promotion When a chance for a promotion arises in an organization, some employees are exempted due to their race and the chance given to the whites who are from the ethnic majority who believe they are more superior to the blacks. Employees deserve equal opportunities despite their race, it is one’s knowledge, skills and competence that can earn them a promotion (Silva, 2007). Harassment Racism in the workplace may come in form of harassment whereby the ethnic minorities are harassed by those in higher positions. The people of color are harassed by their superiors and their work loads increased as they are threatened with dismissal. The employees from t he superior race make fun of employees from the minority group yet no action is taken. Redundancy During a redundancy exercise, only employees from the minority groups are selected for redundancy leaving behind those from the superior race Dismissal When there is misconduct in a working place, the people from the ethnic minority are singled out and dismissed. On the other hand, the superior races who are the white workers are retained and only given warning letter and that is racial discrimination. Furthermore, according to a research done by Osajima (2007), ethnic minorities are always dismissed for minor mistakes yet that can be solved and they continue working. The superior groups are always on the run to kick out the people of color from their workplaces. Preventing racism in workplaces The first step to take in order to prevent racism in workplaces is by advocating for the creation of anti-discrimination policies which addresses racism and the consequences of racism acts. The n ext step is to make sure that organizations hire employees from different ethnic groups and races so as to create a diverse working force. Next is promoting employees basing on their merits and achievements and not basing on their race and other discriminatory factors. When this is done, employees will feel valued and they will work harder for the benefit of the organization. Employees should be trained equally and at the same time so as to decrease discriminatory rates and racism. Employee trainings should be held so as to give them guidance on how to conduct themselves at their place of work and how to treat each other. Moreover, the organization should organize team buildings for

Chain of Command Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chain of Command - Essay Example In this case Lyndon Johnson, who was President of the United States when the most powerful country on the face of the earth went into what is called as the limited war ideology in Indo-China, his Secretary of National Defense Robert McNamara, General William Westmoreland, the man in charge of the US military operations in Vietnam in the 1960’s, the division and battalion commanders and the individual soldiers in full battle gears. Soldiery, from top to bottom, is guided by the laws of modern warfare specially those task to institute peace and freedom as the Military Review by Sargent (2005) noted, we simply cannot afford to collaterally alienate the people we are trying to influence, liberate, protect, or aid. Not everyone in the field can have the honor and pride of taking orders from the Commander-in-Chief in the form of a morale-boosting pep talk and encouragement. Under constant threat of dragging into the mayhem two of the biggest armies in the world, China and the USSR a nd the wounds of World War II and the Korean War still fresh from the minds of the American people, the United States went into employing the doctrine of limited war.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Summary about the Rwanda Genocide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary about the Rwanda Genocide - Essay Example The majority called Hutu and the minority the Tutsi. Tutsi held the majority of the political power despite their small population as compared to the Hutu. In 1984, the Germans became the first colonial power in Rwanda. They realized that the Tutsi had light skins, and they were tall. To the Germans, the characteristics resembled Europeans hence they favoured them in issuing responsibilities. The First World War made the Germans lose their colonies including Rwanda (Mamdani, 2001). Belgium took over Rwanda and introduced the identity cards. The Tutsi continued to receive favour from the Belgians, leaving the Hutu behind. the Belgians gave the Tutsi leadership positions which made the majority of the population, the Hutu terribly angry. However, during Rwanda’s’ struggle for independence, the Belgians made the new self-dependent government in the hands of the Hutu. This further increased the tension between the two ethnic communities. In 1994, the year which the genocide took place, President Habyarimana while coming back from Tanzania, was assassinated. A surface-to-air missile shot the presidents plane killing everyone on board. This made the Hutu extremely angry, and within 24 hours of the assassination the slaughter had started. In Kigali, the Hutu blocked the roads and interrogated the road users. They were supposed to produce their identity cards to prove that they were Hutus. The Tutsi were killed instantly. The killings were done by the use of clubs, machete and knives. The Hutu youths who doing the killings called themselves interahamwe, this means those who strike as one. They also went after the government officials who were Tutsi and the Hutu officials who supported the Tutsi (Mamdani, 2001). This included the prime minister. Ten Belgians UN peacekeepers tried to protect the prime minister and were killed in the process. The Tutsi started running towards the hills

Comparing Traditional Catholicism to Catholicism in Africa Essay

Comparing Traditional Catholicism to Catholicism in Africa - Essay Example For the Africans, man is not just homo religiosus in the classical sense. He eats, drinks, sleeps, works and does practically every thing religiously. The Catholic presence in Africa was re-shaped by the twin events of decolonization and Vatican Council 2 between 1962-65 (Hastings, 1989). In Vatican's aim to evangelize, priests and missionaries were encouraged to use the vernacular in worship called vernacular liturgy as well as the development of African hymnody and instrumentation "...The most important single effect in Africa in popular terms of the Council has been the change in singing, in hymns, in music, in the use of musical instruments," (Hastings, 1989). It was also noted that Vatican II also encouraged African Catholics to read Protestant vernacular translations of the Bible. But the "westernization" of Catholicism, particularly reduction of approval on healing shrines, holy water, statues and candles, resisted by African Catholics. Likewise, by 1994, ninety percent (90%) of the hierarchy was African as symbolized by the African Synod. Catechists mostly married lay men also became instrumental in the spread of Catholicism in the 20th century. In the African Synod led by the late pope John Paul II, emphasized marriage to be in-cultured for it had been a problem within the African Catholic community having irregular marriages. Since traditional African marriage was not recognized, African priests were encouraged to incorporate the sacramental blessings of the church to the traditional marriage ceremony. Problems arose when traditional African marriages is not finalized until a woman proved her fertility through childbirth, which did not fit into Catholic practices. Intermarriages of religions, with Protestants, likewise, banned children from committing communion and this further widen the gap. One particular incident in Rwanda was the inciting of racial hatred and genocidal violence between Tutsis and Hutu between both Catholics and the church was not able to contain nor control the violence, although today, confession, repentance and reconciliation are being worked out (Lettinga, 2000). By the time the Pope John Paul II died, there were already about 100 million Catholics in Africa and nearly 30 million are Congolese (Quist-Arcton, 2005). Interestingly, Lamin Sanneh reported that Senegal, a Muslim majority with about 90 percent of its population as Islam believers, include Catholic holidays as national holiday (Suarez, 2005) that include the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. Cardinal Thiandoum, the Relator-General for the African Synod remarked (qtd, Isizoh (1996): Many Christians, at "breaking points of life", have recourse to practices of the traditional religion, or to prayer houses, healing homes, "prophets", witchcraft or fortune-tellers. Some turn to African Independent Churches (sometimes considered a syncretistic Christian cum African Traditional Religion) where they feel that certain elements of their culture are more respected. Few of them return to African Traditional Religion. All these movements indicate that the spiritual yearning of these people for an authentic expression of the African spirituality

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Summary about the Rwanda Genocide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary about the Rwanda Genocide - Essay Example The majority called Hutu and the minority the Tutsi. Tutsi held the majority of the political power despite their small population as compared to the Hutu. In 1984, the Germans became the first colonial power in Rwanda. They realized that the Tutsi had light skins, and they were tall. To the Germans, the characteristics resembled Europeans hence they favoured them in issuing responsibilities. The First World War made the Germans lose their colonies including Rwanda (Mamdani, 2001). Belgium took over Rwanda and introduced the identity cards. The Tutsi continued to receive favour from the Belgians, leaving the Hutu behind. the Belgians gave the Tutsi leadership positions which made the majority of the population, the Hutu terribly angry. However, during Rwanda’s’ struggle for independence, the Belgians made the new self-dependent government in the hands of the Hutu. This further increased the tension between the two ethnic communities. In 1994, the year which the genocide took place, President Habyarimana while coming back from Tanzania, was assassinated. A surface-to-air missile shot the presidents plane killing everyone on board. This made the Hutu extremely angry, and within 24 hours of the assassination the slaughter had started. In Kigali, the Hutu blocked the roads and interrogated the road users. They were supposed to produce their identity cards to prove that they were Hutus. The Tutsi were killed instantly. The killings were done by the use of clubs, machete and knives. The Hutu youths who doing the killings called themselves interahamwe, this means those who strike as one. They also went after the government officials who were Tutsi and the Hutu officials who supported the Tutsi (Mamdani, 2001). This included the prime minister. Ten Belgians UN peacekeepers tried to protect the prime minister and were killed in the process. The Tutsi started running towards the hills

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Answer 7 Questions materials provided - Training and Development Essay

Answer 7 Questions materials provided - Training and Development Questions - Essay Example b) Nominate one publication from the NCVER Statistics publications that you can access, which addresses the statistics of participation in ACE. (NB if not available electronically, how will you access it?) (2 marks) Karmel, T. & Mlotkowski, P. 2008, ‘School-based apprenticeships and traineeships’, NCVER, National Centre for Vocational Education Research. Retrieved 3 April 2009 from Of the six articles and books located in the search of the NCVER website VOCED database listed in the Topic Notes, which one is available in the UNE library, and which author has another publication available in the UNE library. Give full bibliographic details and the relevant call numbers from the UNE catalogue. Australian Association of Adult and Community Education, 1992, ‘Striking a balance: adult and community education in Australian towards 2000 / edited by Roger Harris and Peter Willis’, UNE, Centre for Human Resource Studies. Call number: 374.994/A938s. Retrieved 3 April 2009 from a) Identify at least one useful article (for the essay assignment) by the author K Schofield that you accessed via the UNE library. Give accurate bibliographic details and the call number (refer to the UNE Referencing Guide for the bibliographic details). Schofield, K. 1996, ‘ACE-VET : is it delivering?

Monday, October 14, 2019

Marketing Management Essay Example for Free

Marketing Management Essay Executive Summary What if I told you that you can get stylish clothing and accessories and the only catch was that you have to clean out your closet? If you said yes, then Jenny’s Closet Party is the dynamic answer for you. Jenny’s Closet Party LLC is designed with you in mind, by creating the ultimate â€Å"Girls Night Out† experience, combining fashion, food, and fun while mingling amongst friends. Uniquely swapping from one fashionista’s closet to another and the remaining items are donated to a local charity. Sounds the perfect win-win scenario right? Jenny’s Closet Party, â€Å"A great excuse to clean out your closet†. First Step: Upon receipt of an invitation or retrieval of flyer, specific details will be highlighted as to a theme, what items are being requested, deadline for dropping of your items and also what you should expect the day of the event. Go through your closet and find articles of clothing or accessories that you would like to swap. The items must be in style, of good quality and condition. Some of the categories (depending on theme) may include: clothing, shoes, earrings, scarfs, jackets etc. Second Step: Bring the items to the Donation Center at the Porter County Expo Center two weeks prior to events (Fridays) from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. At this time you will be given a voucher at this time in which you will redeemed for tokens to shop with the day of the event. Third Step: The day of the event doors will open an hour and thirty minutes prior to shopping. At this time while mingling, you can enjoy complimentary wine and horderves that will be accompanied with light music to enhance your fun filled evening. Also, vouches can be redeemed for tokens during this time. Fourth Step: Prior to the scheduled shopping time, guest will be reminded of how  all this works, rehashing the guidelines that were laid out on the initial invitation/flyer. Guests are encouraged to keep what they have donated anonymous while picking. However, displaying and sharing their great finds amongst everyone creates sure excitement. Once the shopping time has been launched, participants will be able to go in rounds and selected two items at a time (to keep it fair) to purchase with tokens. Final Step: When the event is over and guests have gone home, the remaining items will be rounded up donated to a local women’s shelter. Sales Forecast During the first two years of business, Jenny’s Closet Party anticipates generating $300,000 from endorsements and corporate sponsorships. Each member of this company is responsible for the minimum of two sponsorships ($500) in order to reach our strategic goals. We expect to generate the most sales during the summer months. Environmental Analysis Jenny’s Closet Party LLC is a small company whose headquarters is located at 2143 Freedom Street Portage, Indiana; however, events will be hosted at the Porter County Expo Center located at 217 E. Division Road Valparaiso, Indiana. The company consists of eight employees; 5 full-time and 3 part-time employees. Jennifer Smith (CEO) will provide the executive leadership and oversee operations of every entity of the company. She will also be instrumental in developing strategies, vision and key performance indicators, to ensure goals are being met. She will be the face of the organization and will concentrate with building rapport and relationship with businesses. Taquanna White (Business Manager) will work closely with the CEO, manage the day-to-day business operations. Serve as our technical expert with keen knowledge in finance and computers. Serves as back up in absence of the CEO a, ensures tasks are being carried out, mentors and manage staff. Bonita Sims is the (Bookkeeper). Her responsibilities include keeping track of financial transactions, audits, payroll, procurement and inventory. Georgia Manuel (Head of Marketing) is our fashion expert. She will be in the community, charge of sales and marketing  and maintaining our Social Media/Blogging keep the company abreast of the latest trends and fashion news. Dionne Payne (Administrative Worker/Hostess) serves as supportive staff doing: project coordination, prepare reports, meeting arrangements, manage calendars, answer phones calls and serve as a hostess at the events. Our three part-time employees will assist with preparations leading up to the event as well as working on the day of the event. Competitive Forces: Jenny’s Closet Party has been facing challenges over the last few years with consumers shopping in the thrift and resale arenas. The once known dismal second-hands stores offering outdated clothing have become the ultimate treasure hunt for unique finds at a great price. Much of the recent growth can be attributed to young shoppers, many of whom are passing on trips to the mall in favor of thrift stores (Tully, 2012). Resale stores offer a variety of unique finds at a fraction of the cost of retail stores and propose great risk to new startup companies like Jenny’s Closet Party. The Goodwill industry is a well-known non-profit organization that has been around for over 100 years. There huge targeted audience loves bargain shopping who are drawn by shopping incentives and those by who donate to their cause of giving back to the community. â€Å"We provide employment, job training and other community-based programs for people looking to advance their careers, build their skills and further their education† (Goodwill Industry International, 2014). Economic Forces: With a fluctuated economy and staggering unemployment rates many consumers have become more frugal with how they spend their money. Although the retail industry has experienced growth, the resale industry is blossoming and is making great head way to become the new trend for preferred shopping. While many businesses close their doors every day, resale remains healthy and continues to be one of the fastest growing segments of retail (NARTS, 2014). Consumers are seeking cleaver ways to save money and the affordability of shopping at malls with high markup priced garb is not an option. With millions of people looking for ways to save money in tough economic times, a growing number of consumers have turned to resale shops to find their clothes, furniture and household goods (Tully, 2012). The  Northwest Indiana Region’s Gross Revenue Product (GRP) over the past 3 years (2009-2011) has gradually increased by 3%. Porter County’s population is 166,557 (2008-2012) with the median household income was $62,457 compared to the states average of $48,374, of this population 50.95% are women (U.S. Census Bureau, 2014). Over the course of the year, household purchases rose by 0.5 (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2014). This shows that women in the Northwest Indiana Region have buying power which has influentially contributed to the region’s economic growth. Technology Forces: Technology is rapidly evolving and is unprecedented in the business industry. Technology is vital and plays a major role in the success or demise of a company; ultimately impacting processes, pricing, promotions and placement of products and services. Technology force is used just about in every capacity of a business operation, from finances, book keeping and cash registers down to marketing. Social Media mediums such as Pinterest, YouTube and Facebook are some of the most popular ways in which technology has to connect with consumers. Retailers with Wi-Fi allows customers to use their Smart Phones to research products, compare prices, and download coupons with apps to make purchases. Due to the rapidly growing competition of on-line shopping, in-store retailers and swapping businesses must set themselves apart by meeting the customers’ needs and provide them with the ultimate one-on-one experience and technology can effectively help with this. Legal and Regulatory Forces: Jenny’s Closet Party is a limited liability company. A legal limited liability company is a hybrid-type of legal structure that provides the limited liability features of a corporation and the tax efficiencies and operational flexibility of a partnership (small business association 2014). Although, LLC’s have similar characteristics as corporation and partnership, the government does not hold them accountable to the same standards, structure and tax laws. To start an LLC one should research and decide what type of business they would like to organize. Specific documents to establish a business should be filed with the Secretary of State to start a business (procedures may vary from state to state). Information submitted should include: Business name, registering, creating agreements and articles  of incorporation. Once the company has been incorporated you will required to secure licensures, permits, EIN number, tax status and other required paperwork. Once all the necessary paperwork is complete and the business is established, the next steps should include obtaining insurance and doing the necessary footwork to get the business up and running such as networking, creating the brands image, and securing the necessary finances. Political Forces: The political forces that have a direct effect on Jenny’s Closet LLC and other business are the stability or instability of the government, economic/trade policies, tax rates and different events that happen in our communities and throughout the nation. These factors can affect how consumer spending. Consumers are more incline to shop at stores like Jenny’s Closet and resale outlet stores. The resale, consignment and thrift store industries has boomed in the aftermath of recession in the 1990’s. For this included an increased need for households to sell unused items for cash and reduced quantities of disposable income that made it necessary for people to shop at cheaper outlets (NARTS, 2014). Social Cultural Forces: As society and cultures change, so should your business. In order to have a successful business, one must recognizes and adjust (according to the current times) in order to succeed. Some socio-economical dynamics that businesses must adapt to as the world evolves: demographics, marketing/advertisement, trends (staying on top of consumer preferences) and external factors that may require adjustments within the company.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

How Genders Are Represented In Video Games Media Essay

How Genders Are Represented In Video Games Media Essay This paper will discuss how genders are represented as well as perceived in todays video games. With reforming feminist and equality groups attacking every outlet of mainstream news, video games have now become the new mass media that remains the only real form of entertainment that truly represents modern day views and beliefs. Recent games have shifted the trend from the macho stereotypic male hero protagonist to a more feminine female protagonist with great success, judging by recent Portal 2 sales in which the main protagonist was a female. This also remains true with antagonists as well. Gender can be used either in a subversive or sexist way. Females are often objectified predominantly by using powerful visual dynamics. This includes their mannerisms, roles in games but most often, the clothes they wear. Sexism has often been a talking point from as early as the 90s. In Ann Cudd and Leslie Jones paper Sexism,  sexism is define as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ a systematic, pervasive, but often subtle, force that maintains the oppression of women, and that this is at work through institutional structures in interpersonal interactions and the attitudes that are expressed in them, and in the cognitive, linguistic, and emotional processes of individual mindsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ our very experience of the world (105-6). Censorship also plays are significant role on how genders are represented in video games. This greatly relates to nudity and sexual references. This could be seen as a positive as this forces game developers/publishers to think harder on the necessity that sex plays in their games. Is it really necessary and/or practical to have females represented as whores? Why should they be represented like this? Why are males represented so differently to females? You dont see many games representing males as whores. This is a good way of nailing developers into thinking harder about the characters, plot and settings. In the end, it comes down to how profitable a game can be and games do have to be tailored in order to be released in certain countries. One could argue that this damages video games as they have to be watered down potentially harming the games story, but does it really? Considering that many games portray females as sex objects and have no place in todays society, I tend to agree. As adults, we do have the right to choose what we want to look at but we also have the moral responsibility to do what is right, and this should remain true in video games. The games that will be looked at in this paper are: The Witcher, Dragon Age 2, Portal 2, Bulletstorm; and Hydrophobia: Prophecy. This will compare and contrast two game titles of similar nature in which gender representation in both games will be thoroughly examined. Game 1: The Witcher The Witcher is a role playing game delevoped by CD Projeckt RED STUDIO and was released as a PC exclusive in 2007. The game is based on a series of books by the same name by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. The game is based on a mediaeval fantasy world of Temeria  and tells the story Geralt of Rivia, a Witcher who was at some point killed or at the very least, near death but was later revived by his fellow witchers at their stronghold Kaer Morhen. Unfortunately, he loses his memory in the process. The player gains control of Geralt and lead him through a non-linear story in which the player makes moral choices that affect the overall outcome of the game. The game was censored at release in North America, Australia and the United Kingdom. This was later resolved through a patch known as the Enhanced Edition that failed to determine the users location (source), as well as improving on gameplay, graphics, loading times among other things. The main reason that this game was censored was how the game depicted women as well as receiving sex as a reward. Players were also rewarded what became to be known as sex cards, which depicted the women that you as Geralt slept with. There were also some modifications to the dialogue for what was said to be distasteful, for example, a scene where Geralt barges into a ladies house, Where the hell do you think youre going with all the dung on your boots?! Out with you! This was cut into Who are you? Get out! in the censored versions. One of the games focal aspects, apart from the immersive atmospheric world, story and gameplay, was on Geralts relationship with women. Witchers are generally perceived to be great sex machines but without the fantastic stereotypical looks (source). A good way to sum Geralt up is that hes an outsider, often referred to as a mutant in the game world and has many similarities, in terms of looks, to an albino. Relationships/sex does play an integral part of the game. Geralts choices in who he has relationships with, greatly affects the outcome, not only at the end but throughout the entire game. Women do have a dominant role in this game and this is evident with characters such as Shani, Abigail and Triss Merigold. All three are strong women and although highly sexualised, they do play a significant role in the game. Geralts relationships with all three, one as friends and the other two sexually, determines on how the game progresses in terms with the story. Prostitutes also play a significant role as the player can gain valuable information by both helping them on side quests and/or sleeping with them. A good example of this is Carmen, the madame at one of the brothels. She asks for your help on helping find a cure for a werewolf she loves in which you could either kill or save. At the end, you learn of the story on why she became a prostitute. A lady shunned by her father because she was raped and impregnated by the city guards. The game also implies, through dialogue, that she may have also been sexually abused by her father. What this shows is that the team at CD Projeckt put a lot of thought and meaning into the roles that gender plays in this game. While other games such as Grand Theft Auto put very little thought and reason into its ok to over sexualise women with rape, bashing and murder, The Witcher is one those few games that stands out in terms of both character and story development. It shows that in comparison to other games, women are strong, fierce and independent, and are able to stand up for their beliefs, ideas and ideologies. Game 2: Dragon Age 2 Dragon Age 2 follows the adventure of Hawke, a refugee from the nation of Ferelden who has fled to Kirkwall. The game itself is a series of flashbacks from the captured dwarve Varric, an old companion of Hawkes. The game was released on PC and Xbox 360 in 2011 by EA but developed in-house by Bioware. As with all traditional Bioware games, it features rich dialog, expansive worlds, deep meaningful storyline as well as strong willed women. In fact, Bioware put a lot of thought and emphasis in the roles women play in this games (as well as their other games) universe. Five of your companions in Dragon Age 2 are female. Females are represented to be strong, decisive, intellectual, cunning and possibly evil, and do play a significant role in the outcome of the game. At the beginning Dragon Age 2, Varric exaggerates and describes Hawkes companions with overly large bosoms which raises the question, why did the game developers choose to do this? This could be seen as a way of enticing male players (as well as females) into the game by over sexualising women in this fashion. It is a good marketing ploy by Bioware as it engages players, particularly males, to progress through the game. The game also introduces many relationships that the player may choose to pursue. It does contribute to the story in some way but it fails to play a significant part. Rather, players can choose to remain friends with their female companions instead of actively sleeping with them; it does not affect the progress of the game. Compared to the original, sex scenes are dumbed down. This is due to several reasons, specifically censorship. Many would say, judging by the complaints on user review site Metacritic, that this potentially damaged the game by ruining parts of the story where sex does play a role. Taking out true romanticising made the game seem unrealistic and gave the appearance that adding female companions did seem as an afterthought by the game developers. Are we to believe that there were no sexual tensions between Hawke and his female companions? Compared to The Witcher, getting interment with your female companions was a simple task of building your friendship bar by agreeing with your companions rather than taking decisive decisions, handing over gifts and teasing/flirting with them. The Witcher made romance seem an integral part of the game whereas Dragon Age 2 fails on this, adding romance seem as an afterthought and having no real consequences. Yes, females did play an overly important ro le in Dragon Age 2 but the romancing seemed unnecessary and could have been left out as it plays very little, if any, part of the story. Game 3: Portal 2 Perhaps one of the better titles to be released by Valve, its a highly entertaining emotional rollercoaster ride, one that will give you high hopes and later crush them. Portal 2 features a fantastic, engaging, hilarious plot (and soundtrack) with many twists and turns. Ironically, this game forces you to think with portals as many levels will leave you shaking your head is disbelief when a puzzle that should theoretically only take 5 minutes takes you more than 15. It certainly leaves a satisfying feeling when completing a complex puzzle.  Released in 2011, this game stands out from the usual crowd. Featuring a female protagonist by the name of Chell and a few helpful (or not so helpful) robot companions, GLaDOS and Wheatley, you attempt to transverse yourself out of the Aperture Science lab testing facility. Chell is portrayed as a strong willed and intelligent woman. The game steers away from hypersexualising Chell by avoiding somewhat traditional Lara Croft style clothing i.e. skintight latex, overly short shorts and/or a tight hugging bikini. Instead, Chell is represented wearing a plain orange jump suit which is an unobtrusive representation of the female protagonist. Most players progress through the game unaware that they are assuming the role of a female. Players only catch a glimpse of Chell when looking through portals as well as other reflective materials such water and glass. Both GLaDOS and Wheatley are treated in a similar fashion where gender plays very little significance, mainly because they are bots although this does change in the latter part of the game. We can differentiate between the two by both voices and attitudes, but not by outside looks. The writers at Valve provide a very interesting balance of power between the three characters. Choosing to represent female conflict by using emotional forms of abuse whilst avoiding any form of physical contact remains true with the stereotypes about women; they are cunning creatures. While in the latter half of the game, Valve took a feministic approach totally changing the dynamics of the game in which both Chell and GLaDOS form a working relationship and team against the common enemy, Wheatley. Wheatley is the only male character in the game. He transforms GLaDOS into a potato and attempts to murder Chell. This portrays both control and dominance that can be seen as subjectify women, either in reality or in the virtual world. From a feminist point of view, this form of behaviour is exactly what makes women put aside their differences (something which males cant do) and team up against the common enemy, proving once and for all that women are the stronger of the two sexes. Chell and GLaDOS are the two perfect examples of the two sides of femininity; Chell the domestic icon whereas GLaDOs represents the progressive, intelligent working woman. By killing GLaDOS, Chell can be seen as the dutiful safe woman conquering the dangerous feminist ( Game 4: Bulletstorm This is easily one of the most fun games Ive played in quite some time. The gameplay is just absolute effin amazing fun! Coupled with an engaging storyline and a hilarious script, this game is definitely a game that Ill be coming back to play just for pure entertainment. Although short, this game in no way becomes repetitive as your environment, enemies and weapons is ever changing. Get it for the singleplayer as multiplayer is completely consolised, meaning that, it uses a matchmaking system which takes forever to connect. The only positive I can take from it is that you can choose to play with friends. Its another game that Microsoft has again managed to ruin with their GFWL. Game 5: Hydrophobia: Prophecy Conclusion Sources

Saturday, October 12, 2019

I Learned it From the Movies :: essays papers

I Learned it From the Movies When the majority of people are asked who or what influenced them most people would likely name one person or one event. Not me. I say the movies. Ever since I was old enough to watch them I have been absorbing the information the movies provided. I was enthralled with the way Clark Gable didn’t give a damn or how Audrey Hepburn knew about the rain on the plains of Spain. The lessons the movies taught me are unforgettable and can be used forever. A big part of the movies were the actors themselves. They each had a certain charisma, a certain flare that made them each special. They all had there own personalities and I learned something from each of them. From Marilyn Monroe, I inherited her glamour, from James Dean, I adopted his poise and his confidence, and from Katherine Hepburn displayed dignity. Those are just a few of the examples, but my point is that I took things I learned from all of my favorite actors and threw them into a blender and swallowed the product. All of these actors were unique by themselves, but they were even better in the movies. The movies had messages and lessons in them that buried themselves in my mind and will stay there for a lifetime. The movies taught me things that no one else ever could. They prepared me for the future. They equipped me with the skills of honesty and perseverance. For example in the film â€Å"Gone With the Wind† Scarlet never gave up. Even when she had nothing she kept going. Lalu displayed great courage in the movie â€Å"1,000 Pieces of Gold.† From watching those films and others I mastered the skill of facing my fears and the joy of helping others, like in â€Å" To Kill a Mockingbird† Atticus stood up for an innocent man when no one else would. The movies also provided me with a window to the outside world. Traveling around the world is what the movies did best. They were filmed in everyplace possible. They journeyed from the wilds of Africa to the tame streets of Oklahoma. Not only did I get to hear about the places I wanted to go visit, but now I

Friday, October 11, 2019

Usefulness Of Different Sociological Approaches To Suicide

Durkheim wrote in the 1890s and was one of the first sociologists right at the forefront of establishing and defining sociology as a scientific discipline. Durkheim argued that it was not only possible to apply scientific principles to social phenomena but that it was essential to do so in order to produce useful sociology. His 1897 book suicide: a study in sociology uses his scientific methods to explore suicide. Durkheim chooses suicide deliberately, because as the most individual, private and psychologically driven act it was considered by most not to be a social phenomenon.If sociology could identify social factors and causes of suicide, this would demonstrate the power and impact of society on individual behaviour. So in Durkheim’s view he believes our behaviour is caused by social facts and they are said to be external from the individual, constrain individuals and be greater than the individuals. After Durkheim’s analysis of official statistics on suicide it reve aled some social groups are more likely to commit suicide than others. For Durkheim, the social patterns of suicide he discovered is not a random individual act but as stated by Luke’s social factors play a key role.Durkheim’s work showed a correlation between suicide and social facts like suicide rates were higher in predominantly protestant countries than in catholic ones, Jews were the religious group with the lowest suicide rate, married people were less likely to commit suicide and those with higher education had a higher suicide rate. Durkheim said different forms of suicide related to how much integration and regulation there was in society and this would provide us with a fourfold typology. The term social integration means socialisation into the norms, values and lifestyles of social groups and society.Regulation meaning the control that society and social groups has over an individual’s behaviour. With these two factors Durkheim brings upon egoistic su icide not enough integration. The individual isn’t successfully integrated into groups or society, anomic not enough regulation society has insufficient control over individuals, altruistic too much integration an over integrated individual sacrifices their life for the group and fatalistic too much regulation the individual is too highly controlled by society. Durkheim’s work can also be applied into type of society.As Durkheim states modern societies and traditional society differ from one and other in their levels of integration and regulation. Durkheim discovers that modern industrial societies have lower levels of integration due to lack of freedom this weakens bonds and give rise to egoistic suicide. Whilst, traditional pre-industrial societies have higher levels of integration as the group is more important than the individual and this gives rise to altruistic suicide. Durkheim has been criticised by other positivist sociologist.Halbwachs largely supported Durkh eim’s conclusion but pointed out that the impact of rural versus urban lifestyles on suicide rates hadn’t been considered. Also, Gibbs and Martin argued that Durkheim hadn’t used vigorous enough scientific methods even though he’d stressed how important they were. The key concepts of integration and regulation weren’t defined closely enough to be measured statistically. Gibbs and Martin query how anyone can know how anyone can know what â€Å"normal† levels of integration and regulation are.Interpretivist sociologists have devised alternative theories of suicide they say social reality is not a series of social facts for sociologists to discover, but a series of different meanings and interpretations that each person brings to and takes from each situation. Durkheim’s work is fatally flawed from this perspective because he relies on the unquestioning use of official statistics. According to interpretivists, statistics are not fact the y are a social construction based on the definition of the people who compile them.Douglas takes an Interactionist approach to suicide and he is interested in the meaning that suicide has for the deceased, and the way that coroners label death as suicides. He criticises Durkheim’s study of suicide on two main grounds. One of them being the use of suicide statistics because the decision to classify death as a suicide is taken by a coroner and this may produce bias in verdicts reached. So Douglas feels these are the patterns Durkheim found and that well integrated have friends and relatives who may deny death and this explains their low level of suicide.So Durkheim indicates that suicide verdicts and statistics are based on interactions and negotiations between those involved like friends, doctors and police as they may affect death being labelled as a suicide, rather than it actually being one. That’s why people feel integration plays no dividends. Douglas second point criticises Durkheim for ignoring the meanings of the act for those who kill themselves and for assuming that suicide has a fixed or constant meaning.Douglas backs this up as he notes the cultural differences by Japanese samurai warrior who kill themselves because they have been dishonoured by western society. Douglas also states that we need to categorise suicides according to their social meanings because the triggers and response to suicide are different in different cultures. These social meanings consist of transformation of the soul, transformation of the self, achieving sympathy and achieving revenge.Douglas can be criticised, as he is inconsistent, sometimes suggesting that official statistics are merely the product of coroner’s opinions. At other times, he claims we really can discover the cause of suicide-yet how can we, if we can never know whether a death was a suicide and all we have is coroners opinions? Douglas also produces a classification of suicide based on the supposed meanings for the actors. However, there is no reason to believe that sociologists are any better than coroners at interpreting dead person’s meanings.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Academic Degree and Financial Aid Essay

Thank you in advance for taking the time to review my letter of appeal for financial aid reinstatement. First, let me say, I wholeheartedly appreciate your granting me this award in order to make my educational dreams a blissful reality. It would be a great honor for me to continue on the path which I started before I suffered this temporary setback. I take full responsibility for why my grades slipped and because unsatisfactory. There is no one else to blame but myself for not being able to control my emotional state during a time of terrible crisis to the point where I could maintain an acceptable G. P. A. For that I am sincerely sorry because I feel that I have let many people down, including myself. I put a lot of effort to pass most of my classes, yet I still failed my English course due to some negligence on my part as concerns my work which was to determine my grade in the course; I did everything possible to do great in the course despite my mistakes but I guess it was not good enough during the semester Fall 2013. I promise not to make such mistakes anymore, and be more responsible. I am asking this committee to give me a second chance to prove that I am worthy of this award so I can continue in my studies this Fall 2014 Semester. I do realize that I neglected my studies and I would like another chance to do better in them. I have compiled a list of steps I need to take in order to be successful in school and my studies. 1. I would obtain a tutor for my most difficult classes by becoming familiar with the tutoring center on campus 2. I would manage my time wisely so that I can balance my life and studies together. 3. Meet with each of my instructors and talk with them, about what they believe will make me be a better student in their class. 4. Go to the scheduled office hours of each of my instructors, when facing any difficulties. 5. Talk with my advisor who is assisting me with my Academic Degree plan. She advises me on the classes and hours that would be suitable for me. 6. Go to class on time as scheduled to take advantage of what they have to offer. My goal is to earn a degree in business so I can make a difference in the lives of people and young students. This is very important to me because I’ve always been interested on being a business lady in the future during my days as a kid. I can only be able to achieve my goal if my financial aid is being appealed, because as an individual my family face a lot of financial difficulties and I’m not able to pay my tuition or even get my books. I am a hard working student and very determined, and I would like the chance to prove to you that this 2014 Fall Semester would not be a disappointment. I would try hard to be a good role model to my family, friends and other students. My education is of paramount importance to me. Thank you for your time Yours Sincerely, Ruth Taku.

Barings Bank’s Failure

When establishments, businesses and organizations are prosperous and very successful, barely anyone anticipates that someday they would fall down. Instead, people tend to envision a more dynamic, booming and more successful business whose position would seem stable that no problem can shake it down. This is exactly the case with the Barings Bank. After its share of success, the bank failed due to organizational architecture.The debacle of the Barings Bank, also called the â€Å"Queen’s Bank† (FundingUniverse, n. d.), became one of the hot topics when it comes to banking, finance, economics and management. The case shows an example of how one powerful company can be ruined by its shortcomings.The Barings Bank achieved success for a long time and was even respected as it was the United Kingdom’s oldest merchant bank (Sungard, 2009). It was established by a team of brothers, Francis and John, in London during the 1700s. During the Napoleonic Wars, the company financ ed military campaigns in Britain and helped France to recover financially.The company was also known for assisting America in buying Louisiana from France. Prosperity also rained down when the bank went into international trade (FundingUniverse, n. d. ). Barings Bank has $900 million in capital, but its share of success suddenly went to a halt in 1995 when it suffered from unauthorized trading losses which amounted to $1 billion (Sungard, 2009). Some experts say that the losses showed the ineffective controls and inappropriate incentives within the company (Hentschel and Smith, 1996).Others think that the demise was a result of financial risk management that went wrong (Riskglossary. com, 1996). For whatever reason, the person responsible behind the bank’s demise was Nick Leeson, a trader promoted as general manager in the Singapore branch. Although he was capable of making millions for the company, he got involved in unauthorized trading activities that initially went unnoti ced because he handled trading and back office functions (Sungard, 2009). Leeson traded and made mistakes which the bank’s management did not notice. The more bets Leeson made, the more money he lost.This indicates that Leeson, who has gained much power and authority, has acted outside the bank’s official authority and worked not in the best interests of the bank’s owners (Hentschel and Smith, 1996). This kind of problem occurs in different settings wherein employees, shareholders and senior management have different interests. It occurs when an agent such as Leeson enjoys private incentives to stray from things that would maximize the company’s value. Also, the structure of the organization can affect employee’s incentives. Thus it can worsen or control the problems.Three facets of organizational architecture that have effects are reward systems, decision rights and control systems. In reward systems, a compensation package must be readily availab le and must have â€Å"strong incentive components. † In Leeson’s case, however, the objective is to generate profits and not to stabilize firm value. Compensation based on the contract’s payoff can have bad side effects. Decision rights, on the other hand, indicate that decision rights must be allocated to treasury employees so that internal controls at low cost will be improved.However, traders and dealers like Leeson have extensive decision rights over their positions. Meanwhile, control systems in the Barings Bank case failed because a difficulty in monitoring within the company existed. The senior management at Barings Bank claimed that they were unaware of Leeson’s activities. To prevent such cases there should be strict control and supervision on business activities. The company could have set position limits so that traders and dealers will not be able to abuse their positions. Another shortcoming of Barings Bank was that it did not separate settl ement and trading responsibilities.Otherwise the company could have monitored all sorts of activities because the separation can facilitate agreement with the set position limits (Hentschel and Smith, 1996). The failure of Barings Bank was attributed to its organizational architecture. Nick Leeson, a trader whose losses caused the bank to go into bankruptcy, worked to generate profits. The power and authority that came with his position blinded him into making bets that he did not win. The bank, on the other hand, failed to make careful control and monitoring over the activities done on its part. References FundingUniverse.(n. d. ). Barings PLC. Retrieved January 8, 2009, from http://www. fundinguniverse. com/company-histories/Barings-PLC-Company-History. html Hentschel, L. and Smith, C. W. (1996). Derivatives regulation: Implications for Central Banks. Retrieved January 8, 2009, from http://www. simon. rochester. edu/fac/Hentschel/PDFs/DRICB. pdf Riskglossary. com. (1996). Barings debacle. Retrieved January 8, 2009, from http://www. riskglossary. com/link/barings_debacle. htm Sungard. (2009). Barings Bank. Retrieved January 8, 2009, from http://www3. sungard. com/bancware/default. aspx? id=4704

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Understanding Management accounting and Financial Management Dissertation - 1

Understanding Management accounting and Financial Management - Dissertation Example Understanding Management accounting and Financial Management In the modern business environment, budgeting provides a feasibility analysis of the present and future needs of the capital needs and resources. The usefulness of budgeting as a management control tool is very significant. Preparing budgets is the financial basis for modern business environments as it enables organizations to establish milestones, determine the internal and external potential of the business to the managers and the investors respectively. Many companies find it difficult to prepare budgets but its importance cannot be overlooked. Budgeting can provide benchmarks for the organizations and managers as how to conduct and control the operating activities so as to meet the required target provided by the budgets. Later on, the budgets can be compared with the actual results which can provide an analysis where improvements need to be made and which area needs more controlling. Since organizations can prepare many types of budgets such as sales budget, production cost budget, expense budget and so on, cash budget remains the backbone of the other budgets. The process of budgeting can facilitate the integration of goals of employees, teams and organization as a whole. If the budget is thought about as a control system, then in context with the modern business environment, it is necessary that all levels of organization participate in the process of budgeting so that when actual results are acquired, it can be compared against the budgets and measures of improvement can be suggested. (Davidson, 2009). In case of South-guys Partnership Ltd there are many ways in which the cash budget can facilitate management of control. Since the cash budget enables to plan to the usage of cash efficiently, it shows where the company has cash surplus in a given a time period and where it has deficiency thus enabling the management to make arrangements before the deficiency actually occurs or in other case, make plans for investing the surplus cash in other profitable ventures (Shim and Siegel, 2008). This is main advantage of cash budget that South-guys Partnership Ltd can use to create a better and efficient cash flow for their organization. Thus budgeting has the capability to provide forecast for the future needs of cash or funds before the organization can actually face the crisis. It allows for planning and raising of funds at reasonable costs and terms from many different sources (Rickards, 2006). In addition to this, modern business environment requires businesses to maintain liquidity the basis of which is cash requiring companies to maintain a minimum margin of cash according to

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Police discretion postion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Police discretion postion - Essay Example It is the action that a police officer takes, according to personal judgment, conscience, morals, attitude, and beliefs; as well as the officer’s education, training and experience. This paper proposes to discuss the use of discretion in police work. The mythical aspects of the use of discretion, the sources, and the methods by which police discretion may be controlled will be identified. From the analysis a list will be created of ten police actions in which discretion may be used, and the reasons for their use will be given. Further, the use of discretion in each of the police actions will be justified either as reasonable, or denounced as an abuse of power. In the maintenance of order and in crime prevention police officers play a complex and sensitive role which extends far beyond merely arresting law breakers. Historically, police have asserted authority in several ways, often not involving arrest. In more commonplace police actions such as handling alcoholics and panhandlers or resolving disputes between neighbours, the police do not generally make any arrests. Though exercising discretion is essential, the police should not be allowed to employ random or arbitrary policing. Also, rather than strictly following a rule book, policing should reflect a neighborhood’s values and sense of justice, and should be in line with residents’ concerns so that justice will be achieved. Increasingly, the police officer’s role in the justice process demands â€Å"greater commitment to developing policy guidelines that set standards, shape the inevitable use of discretion, and support community involvement† (Kelling, 1999 : iii). Furthermore, formal training of police personnel should include some basic factors to teach them to act democratically as well as judiciously in their work, in order to successfully achieve outcomes which are just (Marenin, 2004). Discretion in police work is

Monday, October 7, 2019

Tesco(supermarket) lost market share Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tesco(supermarket) lost market share - Essay Example On the other while some of the players in this industry such as Waitrose have been expanding the number of stores, Tesco has been doing very little with regard to their geographical accessibility. Despite the extension of floor space having been a major driver in the growth of Tesco in the past, they have not been doing it as aggressively as they used to do before. There are a number of things that Tesco Supermarket can do to regain market share. Tesco might consider staying relevant through innovation. One of the best ways through which a business organization can remain competitive is by identifying emergingtrends, trends before their competitors do (Kotler&Kotler 2012, p. 119). This will be possible if they pay close attention to the things that change in the lifestyle of their customers. Tesco supermarket should also consider getting in touch with their customers. At this age public relations is not all about receiving the complaints of customers. However, it has developed to the extent that business has to seek to know some of the things that they customers wish they could get from supermarkets. They should make sure that they do not make any assumptions about what their customers want, but get but creates avenues for continuous communication between them and their customers (Shafer 2011, p. 91). They should consider acting on the possible recommendations of their customers as soon as possible. Tesco supermarket should also consider simplifying the buying process. When buying processes are deemed to be lengthy and complicated, many customers will always opt for somewhere where the process is simpler. Accessibility is always important for any chain of stores. Customers might be willing to purchase from a certain supermarket, but fail to do so because the supermarket does not have any stores in their locality (Gordon 2002, p. 201). Given that Tesco has not been recently active in terms of expansion, it would be beneficial for them to start